Jo Bentdal (b. 1968) is an integral visual artist holding an MSc in applied physics. He has a background of 16 years as a strategy consultant, focusing on digital technologies and communication before turning to full time art photography in 2010. His debut was at the annual national art exhibition ”Høstutstillingen” in Oslo in 2015.
His photographic projects are all philosopically based, and usually considers the dynamics of individuality and autonomy vs. intersubjective structures and institutions in society.
Purchased by Strays Foundation, the DNB art collection, Kunst i skolen, Høyskolen VID (Bergen), Tusen Takk Foundation (USA), The Møller Collection, Ferd, as well as private collectors.
Selected Exhibitions:
The Norwegian National Annual Art Exhibition (Høstutstillingen, Statens kunstutstilling), 3 images, Oslo 2015*
The Danish Artists Autumn Exhibition, 4 Images, Copenhagen 2015*
“Common Sensibility”, Shoot Gallery Oslo, solo show, Oslo 2016**
Nordic Light International Festival of Photography, solo show, Kristiansund 2016**
“Interfaces”, Shoot Gallery Oslo, solo show, Oslo 2017
Aipad, Association of International Photography Art Dealers, Art Fair, 4 images, Pier 94, New York 2017
“The Law of the Instrument”, solo show, Shoot Gallery Oslo, Oslo 2018
“Legacy”, Flow Photofest, solo show, Inverness museum/Thurso art gallery, Scotland 2021**
Oslo Negativ 2022, photographic art fair, solo show, The old library, Oslo 2022**
3KT/Ferd, Public Space exhibition, Oslo, "The Law of the Instrument" + "Common Sensibility" (next to the National Museum in Oslo, Norway) may 2023- desember 2024**
* juried exhibitions
**by invitation
Jo Bentdals vision as an artist is "a good life, personal development, participation in a conversation at a larger scale, staying relevant - and perhaps nudging towards incremental contributions to a positive global development".
He is an integral thinker. Hence he places himself in a post-post-modernism era, and as an artist he aims to integrate context-relevant aspects of all pre-postmodernism ideas, sentiments and faculties.
By that he hopes to participate in the collective efforts to establish a healthy foundation for the next steps in an art-historical evolution, by contributing to a confluence of tradition and innovation in the artistic community, but - importantly - with the Real World (including, but not limited to the field of arts) as a source of inspiration and problems to address - as the empiric base, and as "the Great Teacher".